Wednesday, December 3, 2014

How Do You Get German Measles in Filipino Philippines?

May 18, 2014

I dont really know, but I managed to do it. So, when I Skyped yall last week, apparently I already had German Measles. I had had a fever the last three days before that, but I felt better on Monday, Skyped and then felt awful immediately after, so perhaps that was a little tender mercy from the Lord. Dont worry, I am 100% better except for the gross colored rashes that are still on my legs, but Sister Barrientos says those will go away, and she is a registered nurse, so we can trust her. President Barrientos also says "dont worry, you will return to your normal color" and he is a man of God, so we can trust him too.

So since I was sick Monday, Tuesday and part of Wednesday, we did not get as much work done as we would have hoped, but its okay, it was still a good. We taught Lorenz and his parents and his parents accepted baptism! They also committed to come to church yesterday, but did not come. So that was a bummer, but I think they are close to progressing. Each time we go, Lorenz's mom looks happier to see us, and she is sitting in on lessons now, so that shows real progress. We taught about the Word of Wisdom, and Melvie (Lorenz's mom) was all over it. She looked at her husband and was like "alcohol and cigarettes are bawal, how interesting." Okay, so she didnt say, "how interesting" but that was the feeling of what she said. It was great though. We committed them to live the WOW and they accepted. I am excited to follow up on that. Yesterday was also Lorenz's third Sunday at church, which means he just has to come one more time and he can be baptized! We are not totally sure if he is converted yet, it seems more like the Gospel just makes sense in his head, it has not really entered into his heart yet, but at least it makes sense to him. We are going to start dropping by every day to check in, I think it will really help him.
So remember the Pajarillios? Nanay is the one who had the dream about working with the missionaries? Well they moved last week and their new house is freaking legit. So you walk from the high way, past these houses, then you go up this little path that leads into a coconut tree orchard? I dont know if you call those orchards, but any way, you go up there, wind around these little hills and valleys and you round a corner and there is their house, on an ISLAND in the middle of these fish ponds. To get to the house you have to walk across this little foot bridge made out of bamboo. Its like the Swiss Family Pajarillio up in there. They have these two bamboo hammocks that swing out over the water and I want to nap in those all the days. It is so cool though. Pictures to follow, I will steal Sis. Deyro's camera just for the occasion.
The work keeps plugging along here in Sta Te, and I think this next week has a lot of miracles coming. It will be nice to work for an entire week finally.
Mahal Kita!

Sis Bet

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