Thursday, December 25, 2014

The Mission Really Does Change People

JUL 14, 2014

I think I might like pineapple. I know. Stop the presses. We had a lunch with some of the Branch Missionaries and there was all this pineapple (tis the season) and I ate like two big rings. And they were delicious. Its a big step.

So I just dropped off Sister Deyro. She is going home now. That is crazy. But what has been more crazy was how I got back to Laoag. So there we were, Sta Te, we left church an hour early so we could get into van going to Magapit junction where we were going to catch a bus that would take us to Laoag. But we got to Magapit just after the bus left, but they told us that there would be another one at buses. At about 7 we got into a van going to Clavaria where we were going to wait for another bus. We got to Clavaria at about 8:30 and met a group of women who had been waiting since 5 for a bus. No bus. So we wait for another two hours for a bus that came at 10 pm with no extra seats. Standing room only. So we got on that, stood for a while, then this blessed woman from Laoag ward 4 hooked us up with some stools to sit on and we made it to Laoag at about 1 in the morning. And all of this was interspersed with texts from President, the Assistants, our Zone Leaders, the other missionaries in the various stop overs that we had. All in all it was a very exciting trip, but now Elder Reber and Sister Deyro have been successfully dropped off to return back to their families and I get to pick up my new companions Sister Molobago. She is mejo bago (kind of new) and I hope she doesnt mind me making that joke with her name for the next week as I introduce her to our investigators. She is Filipino and is pretty fresh out of training. Its gonna be a good next transfer, I can just feel it!

So the peeps came to church! Fred is still faithful, but we have kind of hit a wall with teaching him. He already considers himself a member, so I think that has cut him off from really accepting the new things we are trying to teach him because he thinks he knows it already. But he really doesnt. We taught a really good lesson about the Spirit World and we asked him at the end what the Spirit World was and he started talking about how you need to pray to receive repentance. That is true, but that is not what we are talking about. I think the big problem with that is when we commit him to pray to know about what we teach, he is just like "I already know its true" that is great, but you also need to pray about it. No matter how we explain it to him, he just misunderstands. I know that he will make it, but our last few lessons with him have been really frustrating. I still love him but, ugh! Just pray man! It will all make sense if you just pray about it!

The super great family that I told you about? The referral of Fred? Well the dad came to church! We saw him all over the way this week and he came to church and it was so great. The Elders Quorum really stepped up and fellowshipped and I cant wait for his family to come too.

Angelica also came to church again! Roland is still working on Sunday, but that will change. I just know this next transfer is going to be a harvest. Big things. Big things. I know the paragraph about Fred makes this week sound like a bad one, but it really wasnt, we met a lot of new people and a lot of people came to church. Sister Deyro asked what I would describe my mission as if I only had three words and those three words have kind of become my mantra these last two transfers. Its a process. And it is. But its a delightful process.

Mahal Kita!

Sis Bet

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