Thursday, December 25, 2014

The Most Tired I Have Ever Been In My Entire Life

JUL 20, 2014
Me and my yams - Ya gotta love the district. haha!
So remember how last week I emailed  you from Laoag? Well the very next day, I got to travel back up to dear ole Sta Te. We took a bus from Laoag to Magapit, then we had to wait in Magapit for the other missionaries from our Zone who were coming up on the bus right after us (they had to take the next one because all our luggage would not fit #missionaryproblems) so we waited in Magapit for like two or three hours, THEN we took a multi-cab to Gonzaga, they shot right past Sta Te on the Superhighway and then we had to go back to Sta Te so the cab driver could FINALLY drop me and my companion off at our house. Then still we had to go to the market to buy food, then we studied and planned for the next day because I told Sister Malobago that I could not go out and work because I was so tired. I think that is the best nights sleep I have gotten yet on my mission.

So on Saturday we had a branch FHE, my very first ever in my whole mission, and guess who cooked all the food and was at the church all day preparing to cook the food? None other than our favorite tatay, Tatay Fred. 
This is tatay fred and his apo and his daughter 

Yes. He is not even a member yet and he spent all day and night at the church helping to prepare for the event. One of the elders came in and was like "why isnt Tatay Fred baptized yet?" I looked at him and was like "I ask myself that question every day" But really, this week was a great week for tatay. He came to church (of course) then we had a lesson with him about the Kingdoms of Glory and we really stressed the need to pray to know about all the things that we teach him and he was like "yeah, and you need to pray about Joseph Smith, and I did and I know he is a true prophet" WHAT?! Yes! Those words coming out of his mouth are what I have been praying for for weeks! Oh, such a great brake through. He always believed, but to really know, you need to pray and he finally prayed!

Other awesome thing from this week, Marites Tayan came to church again and she brought her daughter named...MEGAN. She is named after Megan Fox (a detail I try to forget) but we committed her to bring her and she did! She even played nicely with the kids in primary and did not cry when her mom left the room to go to the Gospel Essentials class. Nailed it. The next step will be to get her to wear a skirt to church.

We also met a really great new investigator. She is the friend of a recent convert and when we went to go teach her she was really prepared and smart. She is Catholic and is really knowledgeable about doctrine-ie things, but she is really receptive. We taught about the Great Apostasy and she was like "Oh, I didnt know that the Apostles died and that that meant the authority of God was no longer on the earth." Yeah girl, now you know! She is crazy busy though because she watches the kid of the people who are paying her to go to school and she is going to school full time, but I am really excited about her.

So Sister Malobago is way different from my other companions. She is the first convert companion I have had and she is 34 years old and for 10 years before her mission she was less active. She came back to church and almost immediately started to put in her papers. She has only been out for 5 months and she just came from an apartment where she lived with Sister Keith. Haha! She is the only member in her family and her story is cray. There is no room or time here, but dont worry, its in the brain bank. Many good things yet to come.

Their house is that tarp covered shack behind us, but they are so sweet and happy! Those are not all their kids, some random Barangay Brats always show up when there is a white person around. haha!

Me and Sister Deyro. Everyone would ask if she was Chinese, so we took this picture as the Chinese and the American, but switched.
Mahal Kita!
Sis Bet

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