Thursday, July 3, 2014

Mother's Day Skype

May 11, 2014

We had an absolutely marvelous 45-minute Skype session with Megan!! Ryan, Becky, Tyler, Molly and I were all in Berkeley. I very cleverly invited myself to California for Mother's Day :-) We skypted in Mark right away. And during the course of the conversation, for limited periods of time, we also chatted with Marlee Redford and most of the rest of the Pincock clan - all of whom were gathered at Doug's house for a Mother's Day Dinner. Callie & Megan got all teary (what else is new?). And Megan got to chat with Grandma Pincock, post hip-replacement surgery. Megan has been very concerned about Grandma, so it put her mind at ease to SEE and TALK with her Gma!!

Megan looked great!! She simply radiated with joy and enthusiasm, which is pretty remarkable because the next day she was diagnosed with German Measles. So interesting.

It was a great conversation. Everyone got to participate. Megan is having a terrific missionary experience!!

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