Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Put A Bird On It

JUNE 29, 2014

So this morning, after we were done cleaning, I was eating breakfast and Sister Deyro was doing the dishes, a BIRD flew into our house. This is the second time this has happened, and the first time, the bird few in for a little bit, then found his way out quickly. But this dumb bird had to fly around for 45 minutes before our land lord could even catch him to throw him back outside. I tried not to laugh too hard at the absurdness of the situation, since dear brother Domin was trying so hard to catch the little fellow. He was running around out house with our broom in one hand and a giant decorative fork in the other trying to coral the bird. In the end, man prevailed and only a few feathers were lost.
Church was epic this week. We had three investigators come to church, and they all stayed for all three hours. Of course, the ever faithful Tatay Fred was there, but we also had two new sisters come. Angelica is a former investigator who we have been teaching, she and her husband are very interested and he was also going to come to church this week, but he got called into work early on Sunday morning. However, Angelica still came by herself even though she had a baby and a young, rowdy son to take care of. Super star. Then Marites also came to church, her two year old daughter is named Megan and is the first Megan I have ever met in the Philippines. Turns out Marites is Angelica's aunt even though they are not that far apart in age. So that was great for them to be able to sit together in classes and talk about what they did not understand and just generally share the experience of the first time at church together. They even sat, of their own choice, at the front for the combined Relief Society and Elders Quorum meeting. I am through the roof.
Something kinda sad. We did not have any new investigators this week. That is the first time that has happened to me while I have been on my mission. We usually find about ten new people a week, but this week, wala. As in talaga. It was a sad moment to write that big zero on the key indicators list. Its all good though, we have a new area that has been added to our current area that we will be exploring this week, and we have some referrals that we need to contact this week as well. Big things are in the works here. On the other hand, we had 16 recent convert or less active lessons this week. We have a lot of recent converts here, also a lot of less actives, what else is new.
We did also have a woman straight up say to us "ayaw ko ng Mormons" or "I dont like Mormons" thanks lady, God loves you too.
Went on exchanges this week, and sorry Italy, I did not get to go on exchanges in a place like Pisa, but I did get to walk the beloved streets of Gonzaga again. And I got to have the amazing experience of teaching a truly changed man. He is the uncle of a returned less active and when I was serving in Gonzaga, he was a drunk. His brother died suddenly, and they had the funeral at the church and he collapsed during the service because he was drunk/dehydrated from drinking so much. He was always nice, but Sister Morris told me that he used to debate with the missionaries and prove the Book of Mormon wrong. NOW, he has come to church 8 times, cut down the booze and is one of the happiest people I have met, so curious, so willing to learn and even though I taught him Obey and Honor the Law (one of the silliest lessons in Preach My Gospel) I just felt blessed to be able to teach him. The Atonement really does change lives and people. It has surely changed me and Brother Louie.

Mahal Kita!

Sis Bet

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