Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ Have Bodies of Flesh and Rocks

JUNE 22, 2014

So in Tagalog, the word for bones is buto and the word for rocks is bato. So as you may imagine, I still get those mixed up sometimes even though I have been out for about a YEAR (holy shoot yall, when did that happen?). So this week I have definitely testified to people that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have bodies of flesh and rocks. Thank goodness for companions.

So Tatay Fred is still doing well, he is struggling to understand the doctrine, it is like when we teach him, we are talking about the Restoration and prophets and he is thinking about Adam and Eve. We are not really sure what is up with that, but I know that when he starts to read the Book of Mormon everyday and start praying more regularly, he will start to really get it. But he did come to church yesterday and he has been following the Word of Wisdom for about two weeks! He has gone from smoking a pack of cigarettes a day to only smoking three. He no longer drinks alcohol and is just drinking warm milk in the morning! It has been really cool to see the change this has had in his family. His son, who was a recent convert verging on less activity started to come back to church and we are going to start teaching some more of his family and friends! Man, I love this tatay.

We have also been meeting a lot of really prepared people this week. We had six people really commit to come to church, but then Satan thought it would be a fun idea to plan a parade on Sunday morning, the participation in which was required for all school kids. BLERG. So of course, our little congregation of 120 dropped to 68 and only two of our investigators came to church, one of which took a fair amount of convincing to get into the tricie to go to the chapel. Get behind us Satan. Next week we are going to have ALL THE INVESTIGATORS! All I tell you!

Stubborn Catholic nanays are still being stubborn and Catholic. But one less active former Catholic nanay who started going back to the Catholic church has really been warming up to us. I think she is close to coming to church. More to come.

All in all, it was a really good week, in spite of the Satan parade on Sunday.

Mahal Kita!

Sis Bet

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