Wednesday, December 3, 2014

You Know Its Hot When You Break Into A Sweat Clipping Your Finger Nails

JUNE 15, 2014

Yeah, that happened this morning. Grabe. Right now, I really just break into a sweat no matter what kind of activity I am doing.

So Tatay Fred Milanes, the man we met when he was drunk? Well he came to church again and this week was District Conference, so that meant that he had to go all the way to Gonzaga to go to church. And you know what he did? Went to Gonzaga and was on time and stayed for the entire morning session. Sis Deyro and I went to pick up and elderly recent convert and when we were riding in the trike back to the jeep terminal, I saw Tatay Fred standing on the side of the high way watching for a jeep to take him to Gonzaga AND he was waiting with his recent convert son who has kind of gone a little less active. Oh my can I just express how much love I have for this man?! I have taught prepared people before, but something feels different about Tatay Fred, he is just so willing to do all the things we ask of him and he is reading the Book of Mormon and he is already uniting his family in the gospel even before he is a member and good golly gosh wow this man!

This week we also got to go to Laoag to listen to Elder Ardern from the area presidency speak. His training was so good. He just kind of started talking and went where the Spirit took him. We seriously talked about everything from how to help our investigators feel the Spirit to marriage advice to how we develop talents to what the Beatitudes mean. That man is called of God, fo real. So we went for that awesome training AND I got to see all the people. Sis Keith is now near Laoag, so she is way far from me now :(. But I got to see Sis Abelhouzen, she is looking so good and is now in Cagayan as well. Sis Sese was there and Sis Kenfield and it was so good to see all of them. I squealed more than one time.

Other awesome thing from District Conference, we sustained and set apart EIGHT new Melchizedek priesthood holders and THREE of them are from the Sta Teresita branch and ALL of them are preparing for missions and TWO of them are recent converts that live in my area. When they all stood up, I could almost not contain my joy, but I did because we were in a room of, like 300 people and that would have been awkward. But, really people, this is HUGE. This district is growing by leaps and bounds. Last march they set apart another three priesthood holders and there are just more to come! Its gonna be a Stake soon. Maybe next year. So awesome.

Last, one of the awesome priesthood recent converts mentioned above has this aunt that is quite possibly the most busy person I have ever met, next to Deon Bettilyon, but I have seen this woman sit down maybe twice ever. We always try to teach her, but she is always like "sorry, busy" so this last wee we were just standing and talking to her, then we started teaching about the Sabbath Day and then we shared a scripture and testified and ended in a prayer and while it was all happening, I was like "of course, if we are going to teach Evelyn we just have to stand." So we did and it was awesome. It is going to be hard, but I think she has a lot of potential too.

Also, its my freaking BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! Thanks in advance to all the happy birthday emails I have not yet read. Love yall too!

Mahal Kita!

Sis Bet

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