Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Windows Of Heaven Opened

JULY 6, 2014

Okay, so basically the best thing ever happened this week. I go FIVE packages. Yes. FIVE. It was exactly like the scriptures say, there was almost not enough room to hold the blessings. But we managed and I just want to shout out and thank all those involved, Big D, Pops, Ry, Becks, Teb, Mol, Dellers, Gma, The Barnes clan, Pagels Bagels and Lana. So yeah, thanks for being awesome guys.

Nailed it yall, well done. and maraming, maraming salamat!

In other news, there was a little bit of a slump in sacrament attendance this week. Dont worry, Tatay Fred is as faithful as ever and is now going to all three meetings, but Angelica and her husband and Marites did not come! Even though they all said that they would for sure be there. It was so disappointing. All through sacrament meeting I kept glancing out the window at the gate, just waiting for them to round the corner and walk into church. Boo you Satan. Keep your gubby mitts off them they are MINE! It is especially disappointing because we had an amazing lesson with Marites on Saturday night. We were planning to teach her about faith, so we go in and we ask her about her reading assignment--Alma 32--and she basically taught herself the lesson. It was incredible. When we first started teaching her, it was really hard for her to understand the scriptures, but now she is just flying through them. We ended up adding on the lesson about repentance and she just understood everything. Then, she didn't come to church. Blerg. I am just so sad. But we have a Family Home Evening set up with her later tonight, so we will get to the bottom of all this nonsense.

So we also met two really awesome families this week. The first is a referral of Tatay Fred (uh yeah, he is just that awesome) and we went on Wednesday afternoon and met Reggie's kids and holy moly they are smart little suckers. We set up a return appointment and when we went back, the mom was waiting for us and she said "the kids said you were coming so I didnt go out" Uh, go kids! Then when we started the lesson, the oldest son, Richie, totally remembered how to pray and was super involved in the whole lesson. We set up a return appointment so that we can also teach Reggie, but man, they are going to get baptized, I just know it! The other family we met are former investigators, the daughter has come to church for two weeks in a row and we got to teach her and her mom yesterday. Another return appointment for the whole family. Baptize the world!

It is kind of strange because this week is Sister Deyro's last week, it is even stranger to think that my last week in the field is only six months away. Gulp. Lets not think about that. More stories next week when I can tell you who my new companion is!

Mahal Kita!

Sis Bet

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