Monday, January 20, 2014

This Is A Sight That Can't Be Unseen

DECEMBER 15, 2013

So today, like about an hour or so ago, the sisters and I were just getting home from the palangke, and PureGold (grocery store) where we had run into the other sisters who told us that President was coming at 10. We didn't know why, but we did know that none of us had showered yet and our apt was a mess because we hadn't cleaned yet either. Awesome. So we get home, we and all our groceries are crammed into one tricie and there is President's van sitting out side our apt. We tumble out of the tricie, looking pretty feral and notice that not only is is Sister and President Barrientos, but all of the Office Elders and the Assistants. So yeah. That was great. We hurry inside, because, lets face it, we are a little shamed, and I am the one saying the prayer and I am just laughing so hard that I cant even speak. Ugh. WHY?! Why did it have to be ALL the office elders?! Why did we have to look like crazy, unwashed, gypsy people? I mean really, why?

So that is my little story for now. In other news, Melchor was at church, Melinda and Danica were at church, Tatay (who always comes) was at church, Paolo was at church, two new investigators Catalina and Wilma were at chruch, Tintin was at church and Eloysa was at church. ALL THE PEOPLE! They all came to church and it was awesome. So freaking awesome. I am so freaking excited!!!! This week, our KIs were so bad, but we have so many people who are going to start progressing that it is hard to really care that we literally taught two lessons to investigators with a member present and only one RC or LA lesson. I just feel like this next transfer is going to be a big harvest. Yeah! Bringing souls to Christ.
Other cool story, so yesterday, we were going to pick up Catalina and Wilma and we were walking and walking and there were no tricies, so I just say "Heavenly Father, we really need a tricie right now" and you know what came around the corner and picked us up? A tricie. Then later that night, we were leaving a lesson and trying to get to the church so we could watch the Christmas Devotional and there were no tircies. So I tried it again. The first time I said it it didn't work, so I tried again and said "Heavenly Father, we really need a tricie so we can go to church and listen to the Prophet and feel the Spirit and listen to the MoTab, so could we please have a tricie." And you know what pulled up and picked us up? A tricie. The church is true, so no one panic.
We also had an amazing lesson with a member family who had not been paying their tithing, because, you know, they are poor and it is really hard to pay tithing. But we went in for a follow up lesson to check on them and 1. they are paying their tithing and 2. when we asked tatay what blessings he saw from paying his tithing, he said "nothing" and nanay (who is usually a little melancholy and does not participate) said "how could you say that? We can put our kids through school, we have not been sick, we are able to pay for our medication when we are sick and we always have food, how can you say we don't have any blessings from paying our tithing?" What the what?! Yeah nanay! You see those blessings! Then, we asked their two 20 something daughters if they were paying their tithing and they both said no, so Sister Abelhouzen told a cool story about a man and tithing that I dont have time to relate now, but it was super good, and at the end of the story the oldest daughter was crying and said that she would start paying her tithing. Oh man, the Spirit.
Oh also, our bathroom has been alternately filled with gross poop smelling water and poop smelling dirt (probably just poop) that has been coming up through our drains for about the last..oh...two and a half weeks. Our land lord keeps ignoring our texts but yesterday it just got too ridiculous to bare. So she finally sent her two sons to come fix the problem and, I kid you not, they went into that awful mess BAREFOOT. I was trying my best not to gag/die. I am pretty sure you could get a disease from just looking at that bathroom too closely, not to mention putting your poor little feet in it. Yikes. But hopefully the problem is now fixed. But oh man, that is just another sight that cannot be unseen.

Mahal Kita!

Sis Bet

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