Monday, January 20, 2014

There Is Never A Time Where There Is Not An Ant On My Body

JANUARY 19, 2014

Yeah, basically. This is my life. Bugs everywhere. There are always random ants crawling around my desk and I have no idea where they come from or why they are there. I think they just live in the walls. They definitely have a nice little home inside the mechanics of my refrigerator, so why not on my desk and on my arm?

So I am guessing you are all dying to hear what happened with the random American man. Well, it was a bit of a roller-coaster, but the short of the long is that Nanay will not be baptized. It was such a hard decision to make--what missionary wants to say no to a baptism? But Sister Abelhouzen and I prayed about it and talked about it, and Nanay just was not ready. Baptism is not something to be entered into lightly, it is a huge commitment to the Lord and requires not just a desire to do good, but a burning, unwavering conviction to always have Christ's name on our heart, in our mind and in everything that we do. We explained this to Mr. American and he didnt understand at first, who really would, but once we really explained and assured him that this is not the last opportunity Nanay will have to be baptized, he began to understand. It was amazing to see how much people trust us. We are 19 and 21 and people trust us to make decisions for people's eternal salvation. They trust us to do what the Lord wants and to help people who are so close to them. I was really amazed at that this week. People really are putting so much in the hands of the very young, but with the power and spirit of the Lord, we can do it.

In other news, one of our new investigators deffs has a crush on Sis A and myself....not awesome. We got done teaching him and I thought he was just going to walk us to his gate, but he ended up walking with us all the way to our next appointment. Not exactly pwede....and on the way we encountered his uncle who kept asking us if we had boyfriends and if it was okay for us to court while we are on our missions. Haan brother. No way. But he kept being like, yeah you can and we just kind of walked away. Then brother investigator asked us if we like Filipino guys. Sis A had the great wisdom to just say, no, we have boyfriends. He also seemed worried about the man that we went to teach next and was being a little protective and was like, do you know this guy? And we just said nope, and went into his house anyway. Little does homeboy know how many strange people we meet and teach every day. Plan of action: always bring a Nanay to teach with us. ALWAYS. No one can have a crush when Nanay is Nanay-ing.

But the family that we went to teach right after that was elect. Seriously. There are like seven of them and at the end, when we asked the daughter who was most interested to pray, she just did it! And she prayed in the right way! Without us having to tell her how. She just listened to how we did it at the beginning, then copied us. Nailed it sister!

Other miracles of the week: a LA who has had three strokes is talking to us now! Before, he couldnt talk, but now we can hear and understand him! And he talked to us in English. Power of prayer! Crazy Emma who runs around naked has a real testimony of the prophet. If you just listen to her, she sounds active, but something is still off. I think there is something deeper going on there, but she does have a strong testimony, which I count as a miracle. Sandrei, wife of Melchor Santiago, is getting baptized in February! Jojo Real came to a baptism! He missed the actual baptism, but listened to the testimonies and stayed for the area broadcast after. He was not at church because his mom is in the hospital, but he is coming along, slowly but surely.

I just love this work! For reals, it is real work and I see miracles every day.

Mahal Kita!

Sis Bet

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