Monday, January 20, 2014

The District Makes Missionary Work Look So Majestic

DECEMBER 8, 2014

Not that missionary work is not majestic or the work of The Lord, but they just look so clean, put together and always have great music playing in the background. My background music is usually just goats, chickens and the odd gecko. Yes, geckos make noise. And yes, it is distracting.
So anyway, this week we gave one of our investigators a blessing and that was a bit of an adventure. She is the sister of Jojo--yeah, Jojo. So we make plans with her the night before that we would be there at 7 pm and we made plans with Brother Rapacon to come and we texted Tatay Rabang to come as well. So about 6:30 rolls around and nothing from Tatay since our text from the night before, so we go to his house, wala siya. So we go back to Bro. Rapacon's and wala siya. Talaga?! Come on! So we text the Elders in a bit of a panic and they--bless them--immediately responded with "dont worry, we got this, we are in a tricie." Oh those Elders, you gotta love them. So they show up, give her a blessing, which was in Tagalog, so I am not sure what exactly was said, but the Spirit was around, so that is a good sign. Then we taught her about the Priesthood and invited her to be baptized and she said yes! She and her three kids all came to church last Sunday and this Sunday and it is so awesome to see a FAMILY come to church. Now we just need to meet her husband.
Revelation from this week: Tatay Alejandro, our RC who is also 70+ super frail, can actually read the text of the Aklat Ni Mormon. I always thought it was too small for him, so Sis. Sese and I would write out verses for him really big, and then he would read them, but he was complaining the other day that he didnt have a book for himself and I asked if he could read and he was like "of course" So I gave him a book and he read aloud from it. What the what?! Jovan speaks Ilokano and Tatay can read. Oh the things you learn.
Also, Emma, one of our LAs who came to church a couple of Sundays ago? we went to teach her a lesson and it was super powerful and she was crying and saying that she knows she needs to come to church and how much she loves the gospel then at the end of the lesson, her friend from the Born Again church came by to pick her up for Bible study. Her friend saw us and immediately started to Bible bash and talk about how God is just one person instead of three separate beings so I volleyed back with some verses of my own and it was just terrible because this woman said that Emma is active in their Youth Ministry and is super involved in their church and blah blah blah. Then in a meeting with the Branch President we found out that Emma sometimes runs around her neighborhood in the nude. Yeah, so that is awesome.
We also met an American retired Navy guy person who lives in our area. His name is Ron and his is super into family history. They always talk about finding people through talking about family history and I literally never thought that would be a real thing to happen, but hey, I guess you never know. He came outside and started talking and Sis. Abelhouzen says "ano ang pangalan brother?" and he just stares at her and I am all "Sister, he is American."
We also taught the lady who ran after us and sounded like a goat, she is pretty adorable and I think she might be interested. But we asked her to say a prayer at the end of our lesson and she said yes, but it was a silent prayer. So Sis. Abelhouzen and I kind of just sat in awkward silence for 5 minutes...nailed it.
Mahal Kita!

Sis Bet

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