Monday, January 20, 2014

That Nanay Looks Grumpy, Let's Go Say Kumusta

DECEMBER 22, 2013

So all the old ladies here look really upset, up until the moment you say hi to them. Then they get their big toothless grins going and it is about the most adorable thing you have ever seen.
Short little random things that happened this week: our investigator Lorna is really progressing, we taught the Restoration, and she was asking all these great questions about the priesthood and Christ establishing his church, then she fed us delicious lumpia, banana que and some rice ball thing that was covered in brown sugar and fried. Yes please. Then we went to our RC's house and the wife started to sing--she is really talkative and loud and funny and great--and her husband--who has maybe said two sentences to me in the five and a half months I have known him--just looked at her as she sang and there was just so much love in that stare. Dont you just love love? Then we taught this referral's mom and his sister in law--because he is never home--and I look at the sister in law and she just has this blank, confused look on her face and I ask "do you understand Tagalog?" and she just nods her head a little confusedly and I am thinking "Sister, its okay if you just understand Ilocano." So she just kind of stared at us as we taught her mother in law.
Remember the woman who ran after us asking for pamphlets who we thought was a goat? Well we went to teach her the other day and we showed up a little late at night and she was just getting back from her cousin's house and she was a little more scattered than usual, so we asked what was going on and she said "if I ask you a favor, will you do it for me?" we asked what the favor was, being a little hesitant, of course. Then she just asked us if we could pray for her cousin whose son just died and we were like "of course we can! We are missionaries, prayer is what we are good at!" So I said a prayer for her and she just held my hand after I was done and cried and was just so sweet. I dont know if she is interested or ready for the gospel, but I think we have just been put in her life right now for support. I dont know what Heavenly Father has planned for her, but I am glad to help.
That same night, our investigator's mom, who NEVER lets us try and teach her, opened up about how her sister's husband is dying and asked us to pray for him too. The sister and husband are both LDS. So that was awesome.
Our golden investigator Eloysa disappeared for her baptismal interview. I have no idea what happened. We taught a really awkward lesson about the sabbath day because she has been working on Sunday and her mom got really upset at us and two days later we go to get her for her interview and she is no where to be found. Her cousin called her and she said that she will just be baptized in January...not really how that works...So I dont know what is going on, but it sucks and I am really sad about it. She was so golden!
In other and the most exciting news other than the fact that I call home tomorrow. DARRYL TEXTED US LAST NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember Darryl? the most amazing investigator ever? Well he texted us last night and it was about the best thing I have ever seen. He has been in Manila and he comes back next week and he said we can go teach him. Heavenly Father really does answer prayers.
Mahal Kita!

Sis Bet

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