Monday, January 20, 2014

I Don't Know About You, But I Taught Thiiiiiirrrrrrrttttttty Thrrrrrrreeeeeee!!!!!

JANUARY 12, 2014

Lessons this week. Yeah. We taught thirty three lessons this week. And one day I was sick and had to go home (dont worry, I am fine now) and did not teach as many lessons that day as we had planned or could have. Yeah so basically we killed it this week and made up for the week of eternal punting. Wooo! Can you say 'hasten the work?' because I can.
Also, something that just happened. We were in this pizza place (dont say anything about Italy Katie, I dont want to hear it) and this huge white guy walks in and we are staring at him because he is A: huge and B: white and C: WHITE AND HUGE. We are eyeballing him for a second and he comes up to us and says "Hello Sisters, my name is Brother Richard and I am from Salt Lake and I am hoping to get my mother and father in law baptized while I am here, and Sister Bettilyon, they live in your area and they are former investigators who had a baptismal date in December who couldnt get baptized because they never came to church. But me and my Filipino wife are here for two weeks and we would love for you to come and teach them and get them baptized thanks." Okay, so it didnt all come out like that at once, but that is the general gist of the story and I was trying really hard to contain my excitement, but I couldnt really because I have been trying to teach his family for five months and they have always ran away or been busy or there was no adult there for us to teach the kids with. Holy freaking crap freak! This man and his family had literally just landed and what are the chances of us meeting them right when they get here and them being here for two weeks and being related to the Cabes?!?!?!?!?!?!? Okay Heavenly Father, lets do this!
In other, also awesome news, the adorable Balta family who was like "re-activate, just add contact with members and missionaries" well her husband is not a member and we just gave him a baptismal date this week with his son and they came to church by themselves this week. To frame this better, this man looks scary and mean, but is really just shy and nice. He came to church, didnt know anyone or anything that was going on, then we taught him once and he said that he has already been reading the Book of Mormon, then he came to church with his two young kids and his less active step daughter alone because his wife was sick and was, like, all kinds of awesome. Where did he come from?!

Teaching 33 lessons this week was awesome and we realized how awesome our investigators really are. We have so many people who are just so prepared and ready to follow commitments and be baptized and are just good people that its just so incredible.
So I spoke in church yesterday, my Tagalog was pretty good, so they told me, so that is a victory. But while I was talking, I look into the congregation and I see none other than JOJO REAL sitting there with his wife. I may or may not have lost my train of thought for a second I was so excited. He looked a little upset the whole time, but the fact that he came to church at all is a little miracle and I am taking it.
Also, Eloysa is back, we didnt get to talk to her much and she didnt come to church, but she is back home and that means we can teach her again! All good things this week!
Mahal Kita!
Sis Bet

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