Monday, January 20, 2014

The Week Of The Eternal Punting

DECEMBER 29, 2013

Glory on high. Seriously. There was one day this week that we did not teach any lessons. Zero lessons. ZERO! It was a bummer, but it was really okay because we got to take Melinda--our investigator whose family is just prime--to a baptism for this family in Vigan 2 that is about the most adorable thing you have ever seen in your life. And after the baptism Melinda was talking about how much she wants to get baptized now, but how it will be more wonderful if her family gets baptized at the same time. We have tried extending a baptismal date to her husband, but he said that he does not know enough yet, so we are just going to keep teaching him and if they keep coming to church and reading and praying, they will just do all the good things! ALL THE GOOD THINGS! Seriously though, this family is so sweet. I love all of them. They came to the Branch Christmas party and Melinda and her hub Bobby played this game where you have to keep this really tiny lime balanced on their forehead while you dance and oh my gosh I thought I was going to die of cuteness. They are just, I cant even put it into words, but they just love each other and are friggin adorbs all the days.
Oh yeah, I also got to talk to yall this week, that was basically the best hour or so of my life! Even Josh! And Gma! And Callie! And all the peeps! Sorry I talked so much, I realized this week that there was so much that I wanted to ask YOU about, but I forgot because I was just too busy telling yall cool things about the Philippines. But just knowing you were on the other side listening was seriously the best feeling every. You just sounded so close. Ugh. Miss you. All of you.
Moving on because I cant really dwell on that, after talking to yall, we went out and taught this less active family that is so ready to come back. The only real reason they were not coming to church is because they dont know people there. But they came to the Christmas party, and had to leave early because of some child having some issue like children do, but they came to church and wanted to meet Pres. Corpuz and everyone and are coming next week and hopefully the hubs will come too because he is not a member--yet...
Did I tell you about the American that we met? The one that Sis. A kept trying to speak Tagalog to? Well his wife is the cutest thing. She is 24 and we just dropped by her house and talked to her for, like, 30 minutes about life and the Philippines and kids and stuff. And at the end of our conversation we--of course--asked if she had read the Book of Mormon we left her and she said yes! I was so surprised because she told us that she was so busy with the holiday that she probably would not have any time to read until after, but she made time! And that means she read right after we visited her last week probably because she liked the verse we read with her. Book of Mormon, rocking the socks off the Catholics.
We also met this guy named Mac last night on a whim, so random it had to be the Spirit, but he speaks amazing English, was studying to be a priest, but is now going to be a dentist and we shared the whole of Lesson 1 with him and he asked us to come back tonight and teach him some more. I am so excited. More to come. The only bummer is that he goes back to Manila this week. Oh well, more referrals for other missionaries.
Mahal Kita!

Sis Bet

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