Monday, January 20, 2014

I Think It Would Be Quicker To Just Burn It Down

DECEMBER 1, 2013

So we went to do service at this woman's house who is an investigator, but she is not totally there so she cant be baptized yet, but we went to her house to clean it and oh my gosh, it was like one of those homes on Hoarders except it was in the Philippines and it was way worse. I was rubber gloving it all the way. We just started a trash pile in front of her house and just started burning trash, clothes, everything because it was so bad. There were piles and piles of trash dirty clothes everywhere and it had all been there for so long that some of the trash had just settled into the dirt, like if you stuck a shovel into a "dirt patch" you would just unearth more unwashed clothes and trash. It was really sad and kind of scary. I think we will go back this week and next week and the week after until it is all cleaned up, but I really think burning down her house and building it back up and giving her a few new outfits would be faster. Sad as that is to say.
On Tuesday I had exchanges with Sister Tauti, she is just a polly gem. I freaking love that sister, it is always a party when she is around. But we went to Jojo, and it was a two hour lesson. Fa reals Jojo? Why? Every time? But anyway, we went over the Restoration...again...and he got really caught up on the part when Christ tells Joseph that none of the churches are true because he took this to mean that no churches are true, so he was like "so we dont have to go to church? Tama ba yung Sister?" No Jojo, not what we are saying. So then he started asking where the name of the true church was if we still needed to go to church. So I pointed at my name tag and was like "right here brother" which got a good laugh, then he got serious again and asked where it said it in the pamphlet, so I flipped it over and pointed to the stamp on the back of the pamphlet that says "Simbahan ni Jesu Cristo ng mga Banal sa mga Huling Araw" Which also got a laugh, but he still was not totally okay with the fact that I out witted his questions. Honestly man, do you think we would teach you about Joseph Smith then be all "naw, our church isnt the one they are talking about" I mean, at some point you have to put two and two together yourself. Oh, and he is really training to become a Born again pastor. Nailed it.
On the day that we did the service project, we also had a bit of an emotional set back. Darryl, the investigator who is so amazingly prepared for us? He texted us and said that he does not want to be baptized anymore. He says that Heavenly Father came to him in a dream and told him that it was not the right time. And the saddest part is that Sister Abelhouzen and I prayed about it, and we think he is right. So now, we are working on teaching the whole family instead of just Darryl and Melchor. The good thing is that Darryl said he will still read the Book of Mormon and that we still can visit him, so now the goal is the whole family. It will happen! Maybe not in my time in Vigan, but it will happen.
Also, Eloysa, our rescue baptism, is such a precious little gem. We had a lesson with her where it just felt like a break through. We left her last one feeling less than awesome even though it went okay, she was reading and praying, we didnt know what was wrong, so we went in this time and were like "we just need to get to know this girl" so we did and it was awesome, we all left smiling and feeling amazing. She is so excited for her baptism, and I think she will be a great foot hold into her less active dad, and her brother is interested, he just cant come to church because he has work every Sunday. Not insurmountable obstacles, kaya mo iyan!
We also had a lady run after us asking for a pamphlet. She was calling out to us, but she just kept saying "ma'am! ma'am!" and since it was night and we were talking both me and Sister Abelhouzen thought it was a goat, so we didnt stop until I turned around and saw this woman running after us. Once she got to us, she was so out of breath she couldnt talk. We gave her two pamphlets and said we will visit her this week. I will keep you posted.
Mahal Kita!

Sis Bet

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