Tuesday, April 22, 2014

You Are Getting Transfered....To The Next Town Over

Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 8:52 PM

So transfers happened and I am getting transferred to Sta. Teresita C. I will be opening and area with Sister Deyro, who was an STL [Sister Training Leader - similar to Zone Leader], but is stepping down to open an area with me. Holy wow. We will be the first sisters ever in Sta. Te and it will be the first time I will live with just my kasama. And it will also be the first time in nine months that I will not be living with Sister Keith. I half expected that we would be companions this transfer, but that seems not to be the case...yet.

The Elders will be taking over Sister Dollete's and my old area. Good luck to them, all our investigators are female. Ummm...sorry...all the husbands are farmers and never home. But maybe it will be good for the area because the Elders can talk to the husbands, man to man, ya know? Also, the ZLs [Zone Leader] are the ones who are transferring here, so we know it will be in good hands. And I will be close by if they have any questions.

One miracle of the week, Melchor Vallejo texted us on Tuesday and he said that he had stopped smoking! He said that he stopped because the people he works with started to fight with him when they would drink and smoke, so he decided to really stop now. Yay! It is a little sad because we have not seen him in a week and a half, and I wont be able to see him again, but I know that the Elders will take care of him. Once the harvest is over, they should be able to teach him again. He was just too prepared to disappear for too long.

Also, EmyRose's step father died, and she told us that she was talking to her mom the other night and she said that she wants to become a member. We went to visit her and we shared a message about the Plan of Salvation with her and she started to cry. My knowledge of the Gospel is such a source of comfort in my life, and I hope that it can become a comfort for Emy and her mom too.

It is hard writing about an area that I know I wont be in anymore. We found some great people this week, but I won't know what happens to them in the future. I love transfers because it means something new, but the thing I realized about serving a mission is that it is just a long series of good byes. When you leave home, then at every transfer, then again when you go home. The comforting thing is that they are only temporal good byes. Like Elder Uchtdorf said in Conference, our souls are made of the stuff of eternities. This life a blink of an eye, and we have to make the most of it, but we have the comfort that the next life will come and that we can all be together again.

Mahal Kita!

Sis Bet

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