Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I Ate Balut

Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 10:49 PM

Yes, as a half way treat for myself, I finally ate Balut. It was not the horrific experience everyone seemed to make it out to be. It was cooked by one of our members, so it was really pretty good. The one thing was, I didnt really know how to eat it. Like, you peel it like a boiled egg, but then you have to drink the broth that is inside and the only thing everyone kept saying was "you have to eat the whole thing!" so once I figured out how to get to the point where I could eat it all, I just knocked it back and it tasted like a hard boiled egg with this oddly shaped hard part around the yolk. Omer could probably make Balut, as a fun food adventure for the Virgin townsfolk. Just take 14 day old fertilized duck eggs and boil them for about an hour. Then peel and enjoy. Dont forget to eat the whole thing.

In other news, none of our investigators or members are currently coming to church because it is harvest season. Ugh. We have had two weeks with zero investigators at church because they are all harvesting corn and rice.

However, it was fast Sunday yesterday and Sister Dollete and I started our fast Saturday afternoon so we wouldnt have to work all Sunday while fasting. One of the things we fasted for was to find families. We have been teaching a lot of really great, smart women, but we have not been able to teach their husbands, bummer. So we open our fast and go out to work and guess what we found? A family of four. Yes. Just like that. We have a nanay, a tatay, and two anak. We taught them a really quick lesson, because nanay said she just did not have any time, but she listened and they were all really intent, even tatay, which is AMAZING since most men here wont really sit to listen. And they are really close as a family too, their house was filled with pictures of their kids and the fact that tatay stayed to listen shows that they have a lot of unity as a family. I am so excited to go back and teach them again, I think they are really prepared by the Lord. Why else would we have found them so quickly?

General Conference: it kind of makes me home sick to see Temple Square and the Conference Center because I am like "man, that is my place! I can imagine the drive from Texas St to that very spot" and it is a strange feeling. I am going to try not to focus on that and just listen to the great messages. Oh how I love Conference.

We also had a great experience with one of our RCs, she just got confirmed on Sunday with Alexis, even though she was baptized in January (its a long story) and the Sunday before she got confirmed, she gave us two referrals! This week we went to go teach them, and we were sitting outside one of their houses, which is right along one of the main walk ways in Minanga and when we started the lesson, there were four people listening. Then we sang and prayed and there were seven people listening. Then we started sharing our message and there were ten people listening. Then we started talking more and there were fifteen people. Then we testified and closed because things were getting a little out of hand. Its like, come, listen to the white girl speak Tagalog, freak show, free of charge, you just have to accept our return appointment and take our pamphlet! All ages welcome! Family friendly!

I was reading in Ether 2 the other day and by the other day I mean yesterday, and I stumbled across this little gem. Ether 2:23 "...for ye shall not go by the light of fire." This is when Christ is telling the Brother of Jared that he will have to come up with a way to light the boats that he has made and that fire, will not be good enough. So I pondered this for a moment. They would not go by fire, and neither can we. Fire is always lauded as the most important discovery of man, it is what started everything, but we are not to go by the light of fire, or by the brilliance of the accomplishments of men. We are to be led through this life by the light of our faith, just like the Brother of Jared. Faith is what brings us through the difficulties of life and it is what brought the Brother of Jared to the promised land. I know that faith is real, and I can feel its light leading my life.

Mahal Kita!

Sis Bet

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