Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Gapas is My Worst Enemy

Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 12:11 AM

The most beautiful part of Gonzaga has now become our worst enemy. The
bukid. Or, the field. Everyone is harvesting because everyone is a
farmer in some aspect of their lives. Even the children are out in the
bukid all day helping to harvest rice and corn. So this means that we
have only taught about 2/3 of the lessons that we had hoped to this
week. Blerg. But that's okay. One must always have a positive attitude
in the Work of Salvation. No one wants to be saved by Marvin the
Robot. We are channeling the doors from the Heart of Gold instead. I
have no idea where that came from, but it just kind of came out. Wow
brain, you really are a steel trap of useless knowledge.
This is a picture I (Deon) found doing a google search of "gapas"
The caption said:"I saw two men and an old woman who do the harvest. They do it manually with their hands and the use of a rakem. The procedure is called gapas."
So the family I was so excited about last week? Well they are all now
in Tugegerao--if that is how you spell it--which is the closest large
city that happens to not be in the PLM boundaries, so that is a big
fat bummer. Hopefully they are just vacationing there and will come
back within the week. The good news on that front is that we did find
at least one new investigator through that family before they bounced.
No effort wasted!

We had a really great lesson with one of our investigators who has
some real potential this week. We are only able to teach her like,
once every two weeks, but every time we go, we leave and are like, "oh
my gosh, she is so prepared!" and she really is. We taught Maryjane
about the Plan of Salvation and she asked all these clarifying
questions about Pre-mortal Life and the Spirit World and the three
Kingdoms of Glory and the fact that she did that really shows that she
is paying attention, rare. So we teach her the entire Plan of
Salvation and then she launches into telling us all the problems in
her life with her husband and family and everything really. As she was
talking, she started to cry and she kept apologizing for getting
emotional, but she said that we are higit pa sa mga kaibigan niya, or
like, above her friends, so she feels like she can really talk to us.
We really don't know this woman very well, we have only taught her a
hand full of times, but despite that, she can really feel that we are
representatives of Jesus Christ. Even though we are two 20 something
girls, she can feel the love of Christ through us. Our conversation
with her was a really powerful witness to me of the mantle of being a

Apparently they will be adding Elders and Sisters in each area,
meaning there will finally be Elders again in Gonzaga. It has been
many a moon since Gonzaga has had Elders. Everyone is really excited
about it, except that it means our tiny area may be cut. Hopefully
not, but I may not be here to worry about that any way. By next
Monday, I will know if I will be transferred. I don't think I am ready
to leave Gonzaga, but you never know with President Barrientos.

Mahal Kita!

Sis Bet

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