Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Sister Dollete Really Hates Cockroaches

Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 1:04 AM

So earlier today, while we were getting ready to go out, a cockroach made his way into our apartment. Sister Dollete saw him, screamed, then ran into our bedroom and locked the door. Me, Sister Keith and Sister Iremia tried to get the nasty guy out, but to no avail. We kept shouting his location to Sister Dollete who would shriek every once in a while in complete disgust. Then I went into our room to get something and Sister Keith said that the roach was headed to the bedroom and Sister Dollete screamed again and ran into the bathroom, which is inside our room, and locked the door again. At some point, Sister Iremia got him by the antenna and coaxed Sister Dollete out of the bathroom and started waiving it in her face. Die laughing I did.

Sister Dollette is hilarious. I think she had a headache, but this is what she did when we were accounting one night!
Alexis got baptized! It was a little touch and go for a second, but it all worked out. We had not been able to contact her all week and were really worried that she would not be at the church on time because we still needed to teach her one lesson (pray often and scripture study, both of which she does every day, but rules are rules) so it was about 30 minutes after the baptism was supposed to start and only two of the baptismal candidates were there, typical Filipino time, and in walks Alexis. Oh my gosh, it was like a literal weight had been taken off my chest. We took her into a room and taught her a five minute lesson, got her fitted into her baptismal clothes, took pictures and it was amazing. She was confirmed on Sunday and she is now the first member of The Church in Sta. Clara. In her confirmation blessing, it talked really specifically about her being a missionary, and I know that that is true. She is going to do a lot for The Church in her area and I pray that she gets to serve a mission some day. We just need to get her really involved at church. She has two really good friends who were at her baptism, one active member and one investigator, they were so cute helping her get ready after she was baptized, brushing her hair and running to the bathroom with her clean clothes. Missionary work y'all! Lets do it!

In other news, we have this one less active nanay who really likes to run away from us. Like she is 65 and she will literally RUN away from us. So we cornered her into a lesson with us (once you get her into a lesson, she is fine, but its the getting her there that is difficult) and we asked her to pray and usually we just ask her to pray, then bow our heads and are like "sige nanay, we will wait for you" and then after about 20 seconds of silence she will pray and she prays really well. But this time we bowed our heads, then about 30 seconds later, Sis. D says "nanay ran away" she had literally gotten up, while we were not looking to go find tatay to pray for her. Oh nanay. What are we going to do with you? Keep chasing you down with the Christlike love of  two missionaries.

We also had a RC who talked in a lesson for 46.20 minutes uninterrupted. His assignment was to read a conference talk we had given him, then share to us about it. We will not be doing that again. He just kept going and going and going. It was good-ish stuff (he has a hard time seeing the real application of the gospel in his life, but thats a different story for a different day) but basically it reinforced to me why we need to stop and ask questions for investigators to feel involved in lessons. No one likes to be talked at.

Well to close it is really hot here, but people are being baptized and its all okay.

Mahal Kita!

Sis Be

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