Thursday, July 3, 2014

Spiders, Lizards, Cockroaches, Mice and Ants, Oh My!

April 27, 2014

Yes. So our new apartment in Sta Te is...nice. It really is nice, it just has not been really well taken care of for a while, so basically all the little critters that you dont want to see ever have made their homes in our walls and ceilings. I have gotten better at killing cockroaches now, but they still have the power of flight and make me squeal every time one rears its nasty little head. But I usually get the last laugh when they are squished under my stomping slippers. But then all the ants come to mourn his funeral. Its a constant battle, but me and Sister Deyro seem up to the task.

So Sister Deyro, she is great, she used to be and STL and these are her last two transfers, so she basically has the whole missionary business on lock down. I am really excited to learn a lot these next several weeks. She is from the Philippines, but she is one eights Chinese, and that one eighth is pretty strong, so everyone asks her if she is from China. Her favorite movie is National Treasure and Balto and she loves pizza. She is also an amazing cook, so that is awesome and not good at the same time. Dont worry, we walk a lot.

The reason we walk a lot is because neither of us knows anything about our area yet, but the branch is super fantastic. We have fellow shippers every single day, its incredible. There is this one family that is just the rock of the branch. Nanay Pajarillio is an RM from back in the 70s and she told us the other day that she has been having dreams for two years that she would be working all the time with the Sister missionaries. What the what?! Sister Deyro and I are the first Sisters in Sta Te ever. She told us that she and her family fasted and prayed about where they should live, because Nanay is from Tarlac and Tatay is from here, and the Spirit told them they needed to stay here. I know without a doubt it is because Heavenly Father needs her to build up the church here. We need her too. She has so many referrals prepared for us, I am just so excited to see the miracles start a flowen'!

There is this thing here called Lechon Manok, which is basically rotisserie chicken, and I knew about it before, you can buy it at a lot of different places, but I just never quite got around to it. We bought one this week and I was like "what have I been doing for the past nine months?!!?" It is so delicious, I am taking time to write about it. Its just that good. Dont worry, we are buying another one later this week. 

One other random cool thing: Do you remember the Corpuz family from Vigan? Maybe I didnt write about them, but Tatay Corpuz was the Branch Mission Leader and his son was the Branch President and their family was just super active and super awesome. Anyway, they have relatives who are RC/LAs here, and when we visited them yesterday, they said that Nanay and Tatay Corpuz are coming up for a vacation next week! I am so excited, I really hope I get to see them.

I am really excited about this area, and this branch is so strong. They are so excited to have Sisters finally. Opening an area is hard work, but I feel blessed that Heavenly Father thinks I am up for the challenge. I anticipate many splendid stories to follow.

Mahal Kita!

Sis Bet

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