Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Look Out World! I'm Trinatraining!

Sunday, NOV 3, 2013

Yup, my 12 week training is done and now I get to have my very own trainee. Heaven help that poor sister. Joke lang. We will do just fine. I just hate not knowing who she is, not knowing where she is from and most importantly NOT KNOWING IF SHE SPEAKS TAGALOG. Yeah, that would be my biggest worry. I am okay in the language, like I can manage, and on exchanges the other day my Sister Training Leader said that I should be fluent by the end of November--lets all hope for that--but I dont feel 100% sure of myself if I have to do the bulk of the language-ing. Ya know? We will just Tim Gunn it and make it work.
This week feels a little bit like a dream because everything was so crazy because of transfers and we had to be locked in on Thursday because of another storm, then on Saturday we moved apartments and on Tuesday we were at the hospital with Sister Sese's distant relatives and everything just was crazy this week.
So Tuesday, we went to the hospital, again. Sister Sese's brother in law's cousin was in the hospital there (we all know I know how random family relations work) and he asked Sis Sese and I to drop by and arrange for the cousin to have a priesthood blessing and Elder Crandal and Elder Mabunga showed up, but forgot oil, so they had to go back to their apt and look for some, could not find any, so they had to go to the store, buy, consecrate then come back and give the blessing. The whole process took about an hour and Sis Se and I just sat in the creepy hospital with the poor old nanay who had staples in her neck and sang Christmas songs. It sounds like a strange day, but really, it is kind of just how things go here in Vigan.
Wednesday I went on exchanges with Sister Jarmillios and she is just a delight. And a great boost to my confidence level as far as speaking and teaching go. She also had some great insights on how to handle Jojo--preachy guy who gives us bananas--because he is just NOT progressing. He does not remember anything we have taught him and I think he just sees our visits as an opportunity for him to preach to us about Jesus and show how much he knows. Not really the point. So I will be going back with my fresh new companion and see what happens. I think we are going to really ask what he thinks our purpose is and hit him hard with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and emphasize baptism.
Saturday we had to move. It was a monkey show. I hate moving and I hate waking up in the morning, thinking it is going to be a normal day, then realizing that, no, you have to pack up all your crap, clean an apartment, move your stuff into that smaller apartment that you just cleaned, organize, clean some more, make food, then wake up at 6:30 the next day. Luckily the Elders helped and things went as well as could be expected. I just hate hate hate moving. Did I mention that I hate it?
Church was sweet, everyone was saying goodbye to Sister Sese and Kenfield and taking pictures and it is cute to see how loved they are. I am just so scattered right now with everything happening and training and moving, but next week I will have a new companion to tell you about. Lets all hope she is a Filipina. Kay? Thanks.
Mahal Kita!

Sis Bet

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