Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Just Take A Right At The Dancing Tatay

Ahhhh.  .  .

All the Sistah's in our Apartment

Melchor's Baptism
Sis SeSe's Massive Spider Bite

Megan's Heat Rash + Multiple Mosquito Bites
The Worst of Megan's Heat Rash. Yikes!!

Melchor's Baptism (He's on the left)

Vigan Environs

Sis. Sese and I walked, straight, for an hour and a half the other day. And we were fasting. Awesome. But you would think "sisters, you should have been talking to people and trying to make contacts" and you would be right. Except for the fact that there were rice fields on our left and on our right and only mga baka to buoy us up. So yeah. That was awesome. But as we were mostly done with our long walk back towards some semblance of civilization, we came to a street where we had made contact with a referral about three weeks ago. So since we were just trudging along, we went to see if he was home and if we could teach him. He was, but there were no sisters so we set up a return appointment. But the best part of that story is how we recognized the street we turned down one night three weeks ago: you just hang a left at the Dancing Tatay. Yes. The old man who is the land lord, and is not totally there if you know what I mean, just stands on the side of the road dancing and waving money around. True story.
Next story. Tuesday night Sis Se and I were on our way to see if an appointment we had scheduled for later in the week was available, just because we were in the area. As we are walking up to the house, it is about 7:30 so it is pretty dark, I remember that there is a monkey chained to the tree that is right by their gate, so as we walk in, I look into the tree and see Mr. Monkey creepily hiding in the crook of the trunk. So we talk with the woman, she was not available, and as we are walking towards the gate, I have the thought "you cant trust a monkey..." and sure enough, just as we approach the tree, Mr. Monkey lunges out at us, to the extent of his chain and scares the living day lights out of me and Sis Se. You know how easily I startle, even when I am expecting it. I am just glad that he didnt throw any poop. Monkeys do that right? You cant ever, EVER trust a monkey.
Megan in the tourist-ie part of Vigan with Elder Randall looking like Bigfoot!
In another lesson on Saturday, the worst thing in the world happened. My water bottle opened in my bag. I think I almost cried. There was a lot of "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Please Heavenly Father nonononononononono!!!!!!!!!" Dont worry though, the damage was really minimal, my camera is in a water-proof case, my scriptures were mostly saved by my case (thanks to the Barnes ladies) but my poor little planner was pretty damaged even though it is in a cool little case too. And to all you former/current missionaries, you know how devastating that 
 is. The planner is EVERYTHING. So I get to have a slightly damp, ripped and bled through planner for the next four weeks. But the scrips and camera are okay, everything is mostly fine.
Miracle of the week. Benedict Dupay (less active) came to church!!!! In the last lesson I had with him and his wife together, he would not look at us, he would not talk to us, he was 100% unresponsive and it was just breaking all of our hearts. But, we went to go visit him and Alysa (wife) in the hospital because Alysa is having a sensitive pregnancy, and there was just something different about him. He was smiling, and he was interactive when we shared our spiritual thought with them, and, I dont know, they just had a different feel about them. Because before, Alysa was thinking of moving out, and Benedict was just like "okay, thats fine" but now, OH! They just look so happy. They only came for the last 15 minutes of Sacrament, but I dont even care, I am taking it!
The miracles are right, and big and bright *clap clap clap* deep in the heart of Vigan!
Its not a perfect fit, but you will deal.
Mahal Kita!
Sis Bet

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