Tuesday, November 19, 2013


On Friday NOV 8, 2013 one of the largest storms EVER recorded came ashore in the central Philippines. Locally they are calling the storm Yolanda. Internationally it is being called Tyhoon Haiyan. You've all read and seen the reports of incredible destruction and despair. Here is a link Ryan sent me to a Deseret News/KSL story about some sister missionaries in the area hardest hit:


Early the next day, NOV 9, I received this email:

We would like to let you know that the typhoon Haiyan(locally known as Yolanda) did not affect any of the areas in the Philippines Laoag Mission.
All the missionaries here are safe. Thank you for your love and support.

Philippines Laoag Mission

Fortunately, Megan was well out of harm's way! Here is what she had to say about it on NOV 10, 2013:
Oh man, like all of my emails today are about the Typhoon. Yeah, we did not even experience a drop of rain or anything. But there are a lot of people who are effected by the storm, but I think I probably know less than you do because we can't watch the news or read newspapers. So yeah. But I have definitely felt the love.

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