Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Oh You Know Ma English Is Going Out Tha Doo When I Write Attackted

NOVEMBER 10, 2013

So that wasn't me who said that, but Sister Keith did and I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants. She wrote it on a Teaching Record and it was just hilarious. So enjoy.
And guess who is trinatraining an Americana for real this transfer?! Yup. Me. And Sister Keith. So in all of Vigan--we have 12 missionaries--there are only two Filipinos. No joke. And ten of us have been out for six months or less. And all of us are training except the companionships with Filipinos. We may be having some struggs in the near future. But my new companion Sister Abelhouzen is a gem. Seriously I love this girl. When I opened my letter with the name of my companion I was like "well she is American" then I met her and I was like, "eh, we can do this" So now I am leading in all things, and it is a little scary, but I already feel the Lord helping me. It was like I all of a sudden understood Tagalog and am able to speak it pretty well too. I really have no other explanation other than the power of the Spirit. This work is real. rul rul.
So this week was really strange because we went up to Laoag for most of the week, then have had shorter proselyting days because of travel, weekly plainning--I survived--and Sunday. But before we went up to Laoag Sister Keith and I worked in each other's areas for the day and in Sister Keith's area we met the creepiest old Jo. His name is Roger and oh my gosh. When we met him I could feel the Spirit leave. So he is this middle aged guy from NY who, by the sounds of it, is just living off his family's money and is in the Philippines to trap some poor, yet attractive, Filipino into marriage. He has lived here for five years and does not speak a drop of Tagalog--his phrasing. He had these creepy blue eyes that popped out of his head, a fanny pack and the littlest twelve year old feet. I really cant even tell you how gross he was, but he was gross.
In other news, thing really are just quite spectacular in Vigan, I dont have any crazy stories to tell this week other than creepy Roger. I speak a lot of Tagalog now...I am leading lessons and planning and life...I have not even felt the effects of Typhoon Yolanda...my new apartment is infested with ants...but I do have a flush toilet now and a shower, but I think I really prefer a bucket shower. Look at me, going native.
Mahal Kita!

Sis Bet

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