Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Now That I Know What It Is Like To Be The Prettiest Girl In The Room, I Hate It.

NOVEMBER 17, 2013

So basically now that it is just me and another Americana, we get a lot of attention from the men here. Not my fave. Maraming wolf whistles and "hey sexy" and "you are so pretty" yelled at us. I mean, the ego boost is nice, since I mostly feel and look like a sweaty horse all the time, but now we are just super self conscious about weather people want to listen to us because we are American, or because of what we have to teach them. Its a tough balance to strike. Ill keep you posted.

So this week we taught Darryl, the good friend of Melchor Santiago our RC, and they were two power-house lessons. In the first, it was two hours long and the poor nanays who were fellowshipping with us left and went to sit in the air con car for a second. It probs didnt help that the lesson was in English, but you know, you roll with what works. So he is just questioning if he still wants to get baptized, so we went though all the baptismal interview questions with him and he answered them all beautifully and we testified and he testified and we all felt the Spirit, but at the end of the lesson he still said he was not sure. So we went back and we couldnt teach him because there was no woman present and that broke my heart. Then we went back again and taught him about faith and asked him to pray to know if the gospel and the church are true with us and we knelt down and he prayed and the Spirit was so strong that he said after he was done that he felt as though someone was rubbing his back. OH MY GOSH. The Spirit guys, the Spirit. But even after that experience he is still hesitant to turn his back on the Catholic church even though he comes to the LDS church every Sunday and reads the Book of Mormon for comfort in times of trial. Glory on high! This man is so prepared and I think that Satan is just trying to hold him back because he knows how much Darryl could do for this Branch. Blerg. Stop it Satan. Just stop.

So Jovan is still learning slowly. He still does not know how to read. But we taught him when his mom was just in the other room, not in the lesson with us and he focused so much more because she was not there to hide behind or to feed him all the answers. I think we got through a little bit about what repentance is, so that is good. But literally, every time we ask him a question he pauses and says "si Jesus Christ" and we are like, "...Yeah, thats great, but what is repentance?" by the end of the lesson his answer was "magsorry, magembrace and si Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ" Not totally the whole point, but I will take it! We will get there si Jesus Christ, slowly, but surely, we will get that child ready for baptism!

Cool story, have I told you about Jojo Real? He is the investigator who talks like a preacher who was not progressing at all? Yeah, Sis Abelhouzen and I went to go visit him after getting punted about four times in Cabaroan, we just kept walking by his house and I was like "not yet. Not yet" but then we kept walking by and I kept thinking about him and I was like "alright Spirit, please bless my companion as we try and rock this" So we go in and start to do the follow ups, we pray and before Jojo can get his groove on I ask "what do you think our purpose is, coming to teach you?" and he answered that it was just to talk about Christ, because he likes to talk about Christ and I was like "Yeah, but our main purpose is to get you prepared for baptism so that you can become a member of this church. We testify of Christ, but our main purpose is to help you start on the path that can lead you to live with Heavenly Father again and that starts with baptism." BOOM, what the what? It just like, poured out of my mouth and it shut him up for a little bit, which was a small miracle. He started to ask some more questions and we just kind of flowed into the Restoration and Jojo is so similar to Joseph Smith, we told him that and his story and challenged him to really pray to know about this message and he said he would. I am just happy that he knows what our real purpose is now. We will see what happens.

Mahal Kita!

Sis Bet

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