Friday, September 20, 2013

I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Bananas Dittlily Dee....

So this week is just going to be an excerpt from my journal, because it just kind of exemplifies my experiences this week. So you won't know who all the people are/places, but just roll with it, sige?

Look! Megan can ride an elephant side saddle :)
10 September 2013
"So today. I am cold--never thought I would say that in the Philippines--I am tired, I am wet. So we headed out at one, as usual, and I think "I should probably put on my rubber shoes" But I look at the sky, its a little dark, but not too ominous. So I go out in my canvas Keens. Sis Se and I teach two lessons in Poblacion, then start walking towards Cabaroan when it starts to get darker and darker. We go to Brother Rea's house--he was not there--so we tried to find Jovan--Sister Gemma's son--he was not home from school yet. We knew our other lesson was not going to be home until 4:30 and it was only 4, so we went to the Rapacon's to try and teach Tatay--he was just about to start cooking--so we couldn't teach him. Sister Marryanne saw us and took pity and told us that we could come and teach her, so we go inside, then Brother Carlos came home and we were able to do a lesson that was mostly practice for Brother Melchor's lesson tomorrow, which will be a great lesson thanks to Brother Carlos.

But while we were teaching the Rapacons, it started to POUR rain outside. Like. Really come down. But our lesson was over, so we had to go to our next lesson. The Rapacons begged us to stay, but missionaries go out rain or shine, right? Plus, if it is raining this hard, people are more likely to let us in. In my mind, I wanted to stay at the Rapacon's, but I knew we had to go out. So we did.

We walked through ankle deep water almost the entire way from Cabaroan to Riverside. When we were walking past the cemetery Sis Se said "gross! Dead people water!" and I was like "gross! Why did you have to point that out?!" but really, we both loved walking in the rain. So we get to Riverside--it is still POURING like there is no tomorrow--and we get punted yet again because we couldn't teach the kids (Ada and Charles) because their Gma was asleep. So back to Cabaroan. Dead people water. Etc.

We get back and are finally able to go inside someone's house. We got inside to teach Jojo and Sonya Real. The first time I taught Jojo, he was so animated and talked so fast, I could not understand a single word that he said. But he asked a lot of good questions and he is really smart. So I left the lesson feeling excited, but Sis Se made him sound like a pastor who was just trying to talk us into a corner. So I went into THIS lesson a bit on my guard.

But it turns out I was totally right the first time, he is just curious and is searching so desperately for the truth and when he hears it, he just gets excited. So we talked about the Priesthood, the Holy Ghost, baptism and the God Head. He asked so many great questions and at the end of the lesson he gave us two giant bunches of bananas.

We are leaving his house and it is still raining, but not nearly as hard, and walk and walk and walk until we find a tricie to take us to the church because there was a going away party for Miko Reupta because he goes into the MTC on Friday. So we get there, dirty, tired, and so so so wet and it turns out I am giving an inspirational thought about missionary work and oh, yeah, all the sisters are singing a song. In front of basically the entire branch. Greaaaaaaat. So did that, then it was too late for us to stay and eat with everyone, but it was a good thing that we left the church when we did because we stepped into our apartment at exactly 8 pm and got a call from President and his first question was "Sisters, where are you?" "Home President!" Phew. Nailed it. Good day."

Yeah, so that was basically my week. Missionary work is hard, but the rewards are often bananas. Especially when your investigator is a produce distributor.

Sis Bet
Yeah, I glow in the dark compared to all these Filipinos! This was at a ward FHE activity at a recent convert's house, I tried to explain Scatergories, didn't work out. and just riding that elephant side saddle like I ride a tricie. Like a boss. PS: a trice is a motorcycle with a covered side car, and when the four sisters need to go places together, we fit four of us on one, so three inside and one riding outside behind the driver, side saddle. My favorite spot is outside because it is nice and breezy. They need to have a show called Pimp My Tricie, Ill send a picture next week, because these things are the best. Just you wait.

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