Thursday, September 5, 2013

Do You Want Ants? Because This Is How You Get Ants!

AUGUST 25, 2013

Me looking like a rock star in my Filipino mumu cooking spam with a head lamp because the light in our back dungeon, where the stove is, was broken. My life rocks.
So there is this most delicious roll place that is really close to our house called Durong's and it is freaking fantastic. So the sisters and I of course stop there often to get a big bag of rolls for about 50 cents. You have to love the Philippines. But one day last week, we got a big bag, set it on our kitchen table, and not five minutes later, the entire bag was crawling with ants! You don't have to love the Philippines. So we dumped all the rolls into a plastic container and made sure to toast the rolls before we ate them. Yes, we still ate them. They are too good to waste!
I gave my first baptismal invitation sa Tagalog yesterday. Right before the lesson started, I asked Sister Sese what the last half of it was in Tagalog (because we had planned to invite this brother in our planning and I was nervous that I would forget the wording) so when the time came, I would be able to do it right. So I invite him to be baptized, I was shaking so hard, and before I could even finish the invitation all the way, he just said "Yes!" it was so cool. Then two of the brothers from the branch that we had brought with us gave brother Melchor's (the one who said yes to baptism) baby a blessing. The poor little thing is less than three months old and has had to be in the hospital for almost a month because it had permanent brain damage. It was so cute, but he just lies in his mothers arms and looks around with these blank eyes. It broke my heart. But the power of the Priesthood is real, so hopefully a miracle will happen. I know Melchor has the faith for one.
I also have my first baptism on Saturday. They are two young boys ages 10 (Jahydel) and 12 (John) and they are brothers and they are about the cutest little Filipino boys that I ever did see. Teaching them is hard because they are so young that they cant understand a lot of the gospel principles if we taught them how we teach older people, so we have to use creative ways of explanation which is hard when you don't speak the language. But its okay.
We had a zone conference on Tuesday last week where we had interviews with President Barrientos. He and Sister Barrientos are so dang adorable. Apparently they met while Sister was on her mission and he was the ward mission leader in the ward where she was serving. She also had a boyfriend at the time who was serving in her same mission. Gasp! But don't worry, they assured us that they didnt start courting until after she was done with her mission. I'm looking at you Doug and Deb.

Sister Sese, my comp (the brown one) and Sister Kieth (she was in my zone at the MTC) cooking Pancit for zone conference. so yummy.

Well, another week of an overwhelming mail box. Keep up the good work team!
Make good choices!

Sis Bet

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