Thursday, September 12, 2013

Ipinapapray, Trinanslate and Pagpabaptize

Yes, those are all Tagalog-ized English words that are used on the reg reg by members of the branch. I have to try really hard every time they say them, not to laugh out loud.

A moment of business to those who this would effect: if you have the desire to send me a package, please only use the LBC service I told you about earlier or USPS. Apparently FedEx and UPS and other shippers require a large amount of money for the mission home to pick them up, and that will come out of my support money, so that is hindi pwede. So just so you are aware.

Note from Deon: "Here's what Megan previously wrote: Some order of business: I talked to the Office Elders and according to them the best way to send letters is still DearElder. FedEx is a bust, so don't use them. The USPS is still good and if you want to send packages use this place called LBC. Apparently they send packages of any size or weight around the world for only $55. They told me there is one is SLC, but I am not 100% positive. I'll leave that to yall." Here's a link you can checkout
I have not sent a package yet, but I will try the LBC option and let you know how it goes :)

In other news: I had another baptism this week! Her name is Gemma De La Cruz (yes, I know, Gemma. I loved it. Note from Deon: Gemma is one of Megan's favorite names and one of her favorite fictional characters from the series "A Great and Terrible Beauty") and she has been taught by the missionaries for almost a year, and she finally was baptized. I think she looks a lot like Mamma D, except for the fact that D is not a Filipino and has all her teeth, her bionic titanium tooth aside of course. But anyway, Gemma is super sweet. We went and talked to her about doing service the other day, and she told us a story about how she had bought some medicine for one of her neighbors who could not afford it. Yeah, Gemma is a wash woman and her husband is a fieldworker, so its not like they are rolling in it either, but she wanted to do the Christlike thing and help in the way that she could. So golden. 

Baptism! Gemma De La Cruz, Sis Bet, Sis Sese

Another baptism! John and Jaydel

Gemma is also neighbors with the Rapacon family, and they are, like, the most solid family in the ward. They work with the sisters every Sunday, and it is my favorite. We get to ride around in their family tricycle, which we call "The Basket", and oh my land. When Marryanne Rapacon cooks? It is so masarap. I could eat for days. I am trying to get her to teach me her ways, but there is just never enough time! Also, sister Rapacon reminds me a lot of aunt Marianne because Sis R is also a stay at home mom, is stinking adorable, and helps to manage her husband's business (distributing Pepsi products, they are really well off, we call their house the Pepsi Castle). Sis R also comes up to about my shoulder when she has her three inch heels on. So they have that going for them too.

The Basket. Yeah, we fit up to 10 people on that bad boy on the reg reg. A little scooter fits a family of four here, plus their groceries. NBD.
We also have an adorable recent convert family in the ward, the Ridaos. Let me just tell you a little story that happenedSaturday: Sis Se and I just kept getting punted and punted from house to house where people were either not home, or they were busy or whatever. So we went to one of our investigator's homes and she was busy doing laundry so we are walking back out when we see sister Ridao talking to two women sitting outside the local sari-sari shop that we had walked passed on our way to our investigator, and the moment sis Ridao sees us, she pulls out two chairs and says "sisters! Sit!" Then she looks at her friends and says "makinig! makinig!" or "listen! Listen!" So Sis Se and I just plop on down and teach an impromptu lesson one. THEN after the lesson was over, sis Ridao took us over to a group of houses and was just introducing us to relative after relative and telling us that we just had to come back and teach them. We met, like, seven new people that we can go back and teach in about 20 minutes. It was insane. Especially since we taught the Ridaos about the importance of member missionary work just a few days before. She really took that lesson to heart. AND there is a ward FHE activity at their house tonight as well. They are just jumping in with both feet. Don't worry, I'll take some pictures.

Sis Bet              
Megan on game day. Go Utes!!

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