Thursday, October 3, 2013

Guess Who Has Two Thumbs And Is Training An Americana?

SEPTEMBER 23, 2013

Ope, not this sister. That is for sure. But really, it was a big possibility that I could have been training at the end of six weeks instead of the usual twelve weeks. It happened to my trainer and Sis Keith's trainer and, as you know Sis Sese is Filipino, but Sis Kenfield is totally as American as they get, and she really does not speak Tagalog very well at all. So when our phone started ringing on Thursday morning, my entire body started to shake and I couldn't feel my arms anymore. But good news is that we are all staying for one more transfer dito sa Vigan and are getting two more sisters! So exciting because we seriously have too much to handle with the four of us right now. Our area is so big, and there is just not enough time to visit all the people who need us. Buuuuut, President told Sis Keith and I that we will for sure be training next transfer. So hopefully I will be fluent by yeah! Maybe Vigan will become a Stake soon after all. It would be so cool for the members to finally have a patriarch. My blessing has brought me so much insight for my life, it just breaks my heart knowing these people don't even have the opportunity to receive one.
Also, don't worry. We survived the Super Typhoon. Yes. That is what they called it. A Super Typhoon. We stayed inside all day, which was disappointing, especially since we had planned thirteen lessons that morning to potentially teach that day. But the wind was so bad and the rain. Oh my goodness. THE RAIN. It was like Niagara Falls outside our door. I really cant even describe how hard it was raining. I am pretty sure if I stepped out in it, the force of it would have knocked me over. But we were safe and dry inside, even when the wind blew open our door and scared the living day lights out of us all. The power also went out for a while, but we just sat, ate cereal, sang hymns in Tagalog, read old issues of the Ensign, did laundry and watched the storm.
We also had Zone Conference this week, so we got to go up to Laoag and I got to see some of my lovely batch mates. Everyone is doing well, Elder Payne had a guy get stabbed outside his apartment his first day. So that is a thing. Apparently he is in a really dangerous area and they sent him there because he looks all big and tough, but the joke is on them, he is the biggest teddy-bear you have ever met. But so far, nothing scary has happened to them directly, just...around them...needless to say, I pray for him and his companion nightly. Also, apparently Elder Moyle's area is haunted. That is a legit thing here, like, evil spirits and stuff. So I pray for him too. It makes me happy to be in Vigan, or "the paradise of the Laoag Mission" I'm going to enjoy every moment.
We also have another baptism for this coming week! His name is Melchor Santiago, and he is so golden. He was the first person I invited to be baptized, and preparing him has been such a delight. He really understands the message and just wants to follow Christ and share his message with everyone. We have been teaching him and his friend Daryl at the same time, and Daryl is also pretty golden. He has come to church twice in a row now, and my heart just bursts with joy every time I see the two of them. We committed Daryl to live the Word of Wisdom a week ago, and he is a big coffee drinker, but he accepted our invitation, and has been trying so hard to quit. I think it is so amazing when people are so willing to do hard things and follow the commandments because they feel the truth of our message.
Other heart warming moment! John relieved the priesthood last Sunday and has passed the sacrament two weeks in a row. Oh! That young man! I see a future missionary. I just hope and pray that the ward will nourish him and Jaydel so they can grow to be strong priesthood holders. Something that this area desperately needs.
Mahal Ko Kayo!
Sis Bet

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