Sunday, July 7, 2013

Three Days? Don't You Mean Three Weeks?


Okay, seriously. It is a time warp here, I have been here for three days and it feels like I have been gone for three weeks.  I never knew you could pack so much into one day, but when you have no real life, there is a lot of time to learn Tagalog, read your scrippy scrips and learn more Tagalog.
So yesterday, I had been here for two days and me and my kasama Sister Smith had to teach a lesson completely in Tagalog. I talked to Marlee about this before I left and she told me not to worry about it too much, but I still worried because that is what I do, I stress about things.  But Sis Smith and I went in with as much enthusiasm and confidence as possible and as soon as it was my turn to talk, I forgot all my words. But our investigator was really friendly and he talked a lot to fill in the blank spaces where Sis Smith and I were like "uh....shoot....we know this, right?" but I think most of the lesson was just us nodding and saying "opo" (yes) and "salamat" (thank you) when he would talk to us. But I think I relatively successfully bore my testimony and prayed in Tagalog.  The phrase I am most confidant with it "totoo po ang Aklat ni Mormon" or "The Book of Mormon is true" and really, isn't that what is most important?
A couple of cool things already happened this week, on the Fourth, we got to watch the movie 17 Miracles and I about lost my ish when one of the actresses came on the screen, it was Natalie Blackman! Or which ever Blackman sister was the actress person. It was funny to me how she is way not LDS and she is playing one of the pioneers in the Martin-Willie handcart company. She made a good performance, but there are some super cheesy scenes in that movie with her and her fiance and I was laughing way hard. The other cool thing was at the end of the movie, it goes back and says what happened to some of the people after the arc of the movie ended and one of the pioneer women saw a man in her dreams while she was trekking, and it turned out that he was one of the rescue party members, they got married, shocker. But the cool part was that it was Thomas E. Ricks! I freaked out again, so I think my district just thinks I am a freak/easily excited, but it was way cool! I didn't know he helped the M-W handcart peeps, family history, bam.  This leads into the other super cool thing that happened, there is an Elder Pincock in my ZONE!!!! The first night we went around and introduced ourselves in a Zone Meeting and he got up and said his name and that he was from Idaho and I got all excited (again) and flailed and was whispering to my kasama "I am probably that Elder's cousin, NBD" I asked him who his parents are and they are George and Dorthy Pincock. So get Gma on that and find out how related we are.
Speaking of relatives, I saw Brock Thursday night at dinner! I had been praying all day that I would see him, and when I got up to get a banana, there he was! I got all excited again and was jumping up and down and saying "I cant hug you! I want to hug you!" it was pretty hilarious, but I think he flies out on Tuesday night, so I hope I get to see him again before he goes and that I have my camera with me so I can take a picture with him. No cameras allowed in the cafeteria Ma, so I am not just shirking my picture taking responsibilities. Ill take lots, don't you worry. But Brock looked so good, just like the missionary he is, I love that kid. I also got to see Elder Childs at lunch yesterday, that was neat, he also looks good and he was making fun of me a little bit because he is only here for a week, and I am here for six. I get the feeling like the first part is going to drag like nobody's business.
Um, so my district is great, my kasama and I get along so far and I don't see any warning signes in the distance, so that is good. My district is six Elders and four sisters and we are shoved in the little tic tack classroom that everyone else used to use as a study room. After we were all done teaching our lessons yesterday, we just devolved into chatty-bonding time and we feng shued (that's how that is spelled, right?) our room so that is seems bigger. Lets hope it works and was not one of those good-at-night-bad-in-the-morning type ideas. Most of the people in my district are from Utah, but Sister Hagee is from Texas, Elder Liefi is from American Samoa and Elder Lloyd just graduated from Highland. I don't know him, but that is kind of cool, he knows Sam and Cole and Cooper, so we made that connection. But Elder Liefi is so sweet, he is so quite and so is his kasama Elder Glover (they are both wearing lavalavas today and it is so funny to see quiet, white, awkward Elder Glover rocking this bright, floral pink lavalava, so cute) so since he is not from the States, there are little things everyday that we will do and he is like
"I don't know what that is" or "I have never eaten that before" or "I have never seen that before" like on the Fourth, he had never seen fireworks! And he was pretty disappointed because all of the trees on the MTC campus were blocking the view from Stadium of FIRE!!!!!! so as Sis Smith and I were walking back to our room (we don't love fireworks) we happened upon this great, clear view of the fireworks so we RAN back to Elder Liefi to tell him, but he already found a good spot. So we went to bed. He has also never had pizza before. So interesting (as Sandy/Deon would say)
I love you as big as the sky times 7 1/2!!!!

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