Saturday, July 13, 2013

Pananampalataya Is Not A Five Letter Word


See that? In the subject line? That is the word for faith. In Tagalog. I think that is is just a little excessive, dont you?
Ummm, shout out to my fave Macktilyons! Happy one year you two! Seriously love the ish outta the both of you. Check your pants.
So this week, good things. Good things. First off: the Sisters in my district are friggin' hilarious. We are all such good friends and I feel like I have known them for years, dont worry, we estabished that we are all liberals and my life became complete. We spend most of our time laughing at dumb quotes from movies we all know or mildly pranking the Elders. So on Tuesdaywe were going to try out what we were calling "Sister Service Day" where we take our own dirty trays from meals to the tray return and open doors for the Elders and just do things for ourselves to give the Elders a break.  The Elders, beeing the sweet young men that they are, were not having any of it, which really just made us fight them even harder on the issue.  We eventually gave up and when we were back in our residence hall we came up with plan B. Tuesdays are now "Sister Surpise Day" wherein we prank the Elders. MTC appropriate pranks of course.  But you know that box of glow-in-the-dark moustaches that Linda gave me? Well those came in really handy, let me tell you. So we grab these bad boys (the moustaches) and head over to our classroom a little early to head the Elders off at the pass, we get there, don our moustaches, turn out the lights and end up waiting for about 10 minutes in the darkest dark I have ever experienced, watitng for our Elders. They finally get there, open the door and we scare the bageezies out of them. It was so priceless. They keep trying to get us back for our little pranks, but they are just not as sneaky as we are. We will switch their scriptures around, or draw little things in thier notebooks, like cows and cats, they are just too trusting with their stuff. Maybe by week six they will ocme up with something good, but until then, Sister Surprise Day is going to be pretty amazing.

Oh! I saw Brant yesterday. I was finishing up lunch with my kasama, I am the slowest eater in my entire zone, dont worry about it, and he comes up, slams his hands down on the table and just shouts "Sister Bettilyon!!!" I drop my cookie into the salad I had been eating and nearly had a heart attack. It was so great to see him and to talk to him, but not great that I couldnt hug him. But it was so nice to see a familiar face.  Speaking of such, I saw Sister Yenchik yesterday too! Or maybeThursday. But that was so great! We hugged and chatted, I asked her how her first few days have been, she is only there for 12 days. Color me jealous. Oh well, Tagalog away!
So my kasama and I just keep teaching lesson after lesson. We had our last lesson with our first investigator and now he is one of our teachers, he is so stoked on life all the time, which is good because he teaches in the evenings and it is kind of hard to stay awake after a full day of studying and studying and studying to do more studying.  But now Sis Smith and I have two more investigators that we need to teach, and can I just say that the Spirit is amazing? I do not know Tagalog, like, at all, but when I am teaching and in tune with the Spirit, it is incredible how much more easily the language comes to me. We were teaching in class, just to one of our Elders, and we were supposed to be teaching the first lesson, but it was clear that was not what his investigator self wanted to talk about.  Once Sis Smith and I abandoned our original plan and just started talking to him about his concerns, it was like the Tagalog, really more like Taglsih, just flowed out of our mouths. It was a really cool experience.
The last two nights my kasama and I have been doing our planning under this tree at a table right outside our residence and this tree rains little yellow flowers on our heads so we look like fairy missionaries and for the last two nights, at twilight, we have sat under this magical tree and have had strapping young lads come and speak Italian to us. You think I am making this up or embelishing, but Im not and ladies, you know life does not get any better than that. But these Elders are all going to, thats right, MILAN on their missions and so far, three kasamahans have come and born their testimonies to us and I have sent them all with a little note to my dear Katie telling her all about it. I am praying that they all make it to her somehow, dont tell her, I want them to be a surprise.
I dont know if you know this, but Tuesdays are kind of a big deal around here, not just because of SSD, but also because of devotional. All the missionaries in the MTC just flood out and stream towards the Marriott Center, I hate that I am in Provo, and it is just kind of cool to see all of them.  I was not blown away by the speakers this week, but when we went back and had a devo. breakdown with our district, things got pretty real. One Elder, Elder Payne, shared a story about his Gpa when he was in the hospital after having this third heartattack.  The doctors came out and told his Gma that her husband was dead and that there was nothing else they could do, so all of the family at the hospital called the rest of their family members and had them stop what they were doing to pray for their Gpa.  When they were done praying, the doctors came out and said that their Gpa was alive and that it was a miracle. When he was telling the story, I just kept thinking about Gpa, and how much I miss him and how much I wish that he could have been here to give me advice and just, ya know, be Gpa.  And I started to feel jealous of the Payne family and the miracle that happend for them and the second I started to question why God did not do this for our family I felt Gpa.  I knew that he was there with me and I was just over come with the feeling that, just like I am where I need to be right now, he is where he needs to be right now too. It was so amazing, I felt so loved in that moment.
I love you, Jesus loves you, go UTES!    
Sis Bet

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