Sunday, July 21, 2013

Die Laughing, I Would

Week 3, Provo MTC

 Elder Pincock, definitely related.

Megan's MTC District Peeps. 
So this week we have been learning about describer/subject and the proper way to use that in Tagalog grammar, so in our attempts to be all Loaogian outside of class, my kasama and I were talking, in English, the way that the sentence would be structured in Tagalog. So we were sitting on a bench, under this massive tree, and we see a mouse. I immediately thoght of Ali Barnes and what her reaction would have been. But then my Sis. Smith and I were talking about where we thought the mouse lived, because we couldnt see it in the bushes, and then I said maybe it lives in the tree and maybe it will fall out of the tree and land in my lap. I looked at her and asked what she would do about it and her response was "die laughing I would." well good to know that my kasama has my back.
In other news, I was reading some of the family history that Ma sent me with, the testimony of Silas Clements, and holy moly, bomb dropped on page 12. SILAS CLEMENTS MET JOHN THE REVELATOR?!?!?! How did I not know that? It was so cool to read about that. So now I want to know what other cool things have happend to our family, so if you have (Gma) any other sweet family history tidbits send them my way! Also in the realm of family, I finally talked to Elder Pincock, and we are totes deffs related. He is also a hilarious young man and we get along famously. Just goes to show that family is always family. He watches Doctor Who and Adventure Time, so enough said.
Um, shout out to Tyler and Stu! Happy birthday yall. I hope you could imagine what it would have been like if I called and sang happy birthday to you. Because I deffinately did it in my mind.
Also, thanks for all the love! After dinner is my favorite part of the day because it is when I get my DearElders. There is kind of a joke in the district that Sister Hagee and I get all the mail, because we do. And I also got two packages this week? What? I dont think there is a luckier Sister in all the land. That is accompanied with a whistful arm wave, just so you can have the whole picture in your mind. Well done on the pranking/Ute supplies. I also laughed way hard at the "Chuck Webb" mints. If I only had pockets I would be doing him proud, but it is a little awkward just walking around with a handful of mints all the time. Ill figure something out though as a method of spreading the love.
Also in the way of pranking, the Elders have finally struck back. I accidentally left my cardiagan in the classroom, like and idiot, I should have seen this coming. And the Elders took it back to their residance and tried it on then took pictures of themselves wearing it. They obviously wont let us have said pictures, because, lets face it, its almost as if they pranked themselves with that one. However, we did get Elder Jones to try it on in the classroom when they finally brought it back for me, I bribed him with a cinnamon bear and Sister Hagee was up and ready with some sneaky camera action, so hopefully I will be able to send those pictures later. He looks like Mr. Rogers and it is pretty amazing.
Other funny story, we got a new teacher this week and in the first lesson, while we were singing the opening hymn it was pretty aparant that he is pretty talented when it comes to singing. We found out that he is an acting major at the Y, so it makes sense. BUT, in the next lesson the Elders were running late, as usual, so the Sister and and Brother. Nicholes decided to just start and sing without them. So I got kind of self concious because Bro. N is a good singer and Sis. Hagee is a good singer and I am just that weird girl who sings lound, but off key. So I was expressing this quietly to my kasama and all of a sudden Bro. N is right next to me and he just says "God created your voice Sister" and I blushed seven different shades of red. So needless to say I tried extra hard to sing well that round.
I also had the most amazing dream last night, George Takei (not spelled right, I dont think) came to play Settlers of Catan with us. Yeah. It was pretty amazing. I was telling my district about it this morning, but none of them knew who George was. So that was disappoining to realize I am the only real nerd in the herd. Oh well, life goes on.
So, Tagalog is hard. Freakin' verb tenses and emphases and vocabulary. Holy moly. There is so much to take in. But I keep realizing that I have learned more Tagalog at the MTC in two weeks and a half weeks than I ever did in four years of French in high school. The Spirit is an amazing thing. Kaloob ng mga wika. Sis. Smith and I now have two investigators, who are actually our guros, things are going as well as can be hoped I suppose. It is just super intimidatin to teach Bro. Roxas because he is so strict and his investigator character is can just tell that it is someone super close to him who desperately wants to help his family, but is just not sure how to do that and how The Church can help with that. Our first lesson with him was way rough to say the least. But things have gotten better. Teaching Bro. N is much easier because he is so open and charismatic. We committed him to baptism last night and he said he was not sure yet, but it was not a straight up no, so I am choosing to look on the bright side.
I am feeling all the love and support, keep sending those DearElders my way. Also feel free to send pictures of your lives, I'm looking at you Molly Jones.

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