Monday, March 10, 2014

Teaching Filipinos Slang

Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 11:33 PM

So we had a zone activity today, we went to the beach and it was awesome. We played this Filipino game that is hard to describe, but is really fun and I can teach it to yall when I get home. We will have all the fun! But after we all went to eat at this super delicious pizza place--I don't want to hear it Italy--and this one elder kept asking all the Americans to teach him slang. It was hard to come up with a lot after so long in the Philippines. I kept thinking things like 'ano ba iyan' and 'talaga' and 'lagarod'....not English. But we did manage to pull out 'n00b' 'fresh' 'dank' 'fly' 'ballin' 'sick' and several others. If you think of more, send them to me, thanks!

Megan's view everyday!
So we have this recent convert who has not been confirmed because right after her baptism, she had to go to Manila for a family emergency and she came to church last week, but for some reason they did not confirm her and this week she did not come to church. It was the worst feeling, sitting in sacrament meeting praying that we would see Emy run around the corner into the church. But alas, twas not so. We went to go visit her and she said she did not come because she had no money to pay for a ride. I just pray that she will be able to come to church this coming Sunday.

Sta Clara: Alexis just keeps coming to church, dressed in her Sunday best, on time and she has friends, she goes to the right classes and she will probably be baptized on the 29th if we can finish her lessons. Melchor has been late to church twice, so we have to start him back over before he can be baptized, but he walks into church like he is a member. Some people even think that he is a member. I didnt know them before, but you can just see how the gospel has changed them and changed the way they live their lives.
No one thing really stuck out this week, it was just a good week. Oh, transfers happened and I am staying in Gonzaga with dear, sweet Sister Dollete. It was an answer to a quite prayer. I really do love her, she is so funny and fun to work with and my Tagalog is improving so much with her. We are both excited to see some baptisms this transfer!

Also, update from Vigan: Melchor Santiago baptized his wife, Sandrei and he is getting the Melchezedic Priesthood so he can bless their baby Theo AND they told Sister Abelhouzen that they are getting ready to go to the temple. Squeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, the Vincent and Mark Balta got baptized.  After so long with no baptisms in that area, it was so great to hear about those three. I am so sad I was not there to see it, but I know it was a special day for all of them. Three more in the fold!
Mahal Kita!  Sis Bet                   
In Megan's words: "My companion getting all artsy on me!"

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